Saturday, May 21, 2011


Enrollment, check.

I think I can never be a full blooded UP student, I mean much as I would like to delay my studying, skip a semester, I just well, I couldn't bear to do it. I mean, I started this, I feel I ought to finish it, on time. That's probably my training from my undergraduate schooling. My classes this semester are going to be difficult, but I have committed myself, paid the tuition with my own money, and so I'm going to barrel through the deadlines and exams with gusto.

SPF 85 sunblock, check.

I am definitely excited for the beach this June with the bakasyonistas. Yes, I have made peace with the sand, and I realized that it's not so bad after all. And with footwear that is literally tied around my ankle, I'm all good. My fear of walking barefoot on hot sand have dissipated.

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