Thursday, May 12, 2011

Can? Can.

I need to make peace with the fact that I have sand issues. I am one of those girls that when invited to join beach trips, I make some excuse like work to get out of it. Given the choice of a mountain trip or a beach trip, I'd rather go to the mountains.

You see, sand gets everywhere. Once you expose one inch of your skin to the beach, the sand invades and you're stuck with sand literally everywhere! Every frigging nook and cranny will be covered with sand. Then you have the walking on sand, I mean, I have the softest feet imaginable, and walking barefoot is close to torture. So I've tried walking with slippers, oh man, I sink and get stuck, walking takes forever.

But this weekend, I'm going to make peace with the sand, and end this hate relationship. I am going to have fun, and I'm not going to obssess about it and enjoy the beach like everyone else.


Singlish, is nosebleed. Yesterday was the birthday of boss, so naturally, she's off the clock. So, I had to report to superboss directly and practice my singlish. Wow, I never thought dropping a transitive verb was so difficult. I had to strip my english bare, use the shortest imaginable verbs and be very specific when asking questions or giving report updates. I had to rethink my way of responding, he didn't like okays, because it's not outrightly a positive or a negative response. I realized that "okay" is very vague.

I mean how many times have we heard this:

A: Hey would you like a glass of water?
B: I'm okay.
A: Okay, yes, you'd like one? Or Okay, I'm good, I don't want it?


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