Thursday, February 10, 2011


I am pain-free. Who would've thought? Well, I really didn't. Three months ago, I thought I wouldn't be able to in the least, walk. And now, all I need to do is to get back on the strict diet, up the metabolism, throw out the bad choice of foods, stop drinking, and pretty soon, I'll regain what physical strength I've gained prior to the injury.

Will the body to heal, and if your faith is strong, it will.

LAst monday, I had indigestion. Because I'm a nurse, I'd rather drink medication for it than take advice from my mother for non-traditional remedies. But I was, in too much agony to use my head on what pill to take, so my mom said, just drink a glass of Sprite. And in those moments, instead of rationalizing otherwise, I just said yes to her, after all, the cliche "Mothers know best" sometimes work for offspring taking on the sick-role.

Mind you, it worked, well I think it did. Or maybe the indigestion's passed by the time I've had my third glass of ice cold Sprite.

There are some boo-boos that can be healed by thinking outside of the box.

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