Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Here in the dark, in these final hours...

I was surprised to find that Boyz 2 Men has a rendition of this song, indeed, I almost cried when I heard it, yes just almost cried. I'm too dehydrated by the heat to even produce tears. What's up with this heat? Just the other week, I asked a bunch of my friends this question, Will we live long enough to face the apocalypse? Siyempre my pregnant friend said, no such thing exists. Everyone else just shrugged off my question and motioned to move on to the next topic. Ok, I asked the wrong bunch of people, these guys are too half-full, not at all half-empty.

But really, is the apocalypse en route?

If you review recent international calamaties: massive floods, volcanos erupting, earthquakes, massive droughts and heat wave, one can deduce that these are doomsday-ish. Theorists of the 2012 Apocalypse may have something up their sleeves if these events continue to occur. If you ask me, I don't really think that the world would collapse overnight unless a gigantic meteorite hits the earth anytime soon. The earth deteriorates slowly, so slow that we can still reverse much damaged caused.

I finished the Discovery channel series, "Colony", last week, it was a ten-episode mini-series, like a condensed Big Brother or Survivor with really geeky people and a really cool house. The doomsday premise for this one is the death of humanity through a disease, biochemical weaponry, like that Will Smith movie. They locked up ten people with varying skills in an abandoned warehosue filled with old cars, hand tools, they had an engineer, a doctor, a carpenter, each person represents a sector of the population. The mechanical engineer looked like Einstein. They proved through this show that it's possible to survive the apocalypse, provided you're stuck in the company of people who can make electricity out of burning wood and you have enough canned goods to last several lifetimes. This show was interesting, but they could've made it more believable if the participants started planting vegetables for their survival. I'm not really convinced that canned goods can actually sustain the post-apocalyptic population.

Speaking of stocking up on canned goods, my mom has a tendency to hoard canned goods prior to the elections. She happaned to have survived the second world war and the Marcos dictatorship, she has seen the worst of Philippine history. Too often has she bored me to my death with stories of surviving on root crops. So yeah, if the apocalypse is near the elections, our house will probably survive the longest.

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