Sunday, September 5, 2010

No way, 10lbs!

As an official member of the Burgundy Biggest Loser Club, I had my official weigh in last Friday. I was surprised that I raked in 7lbs short of what I was expecting. Invigorated by such bewildering news, I venture to share a round of Taebo with the other members of the Club. Then played 3 hours of badminton thereafter. Fantastic. I was literally crawling out of the courts in pain.

Then yesterday, I was still in major major disbelief of the progress I've made, so I went and weighed myself in my momma's scale. Her scale has a tendency to add more than what you actually weigh. So in order to have a more realistic view of things, I decided to check my weight on her scale. And instead of 7lbs, it read, 10lbs. No way, I've lost ten pounds since I started training? In spite of the fluctuations? Still?

The definition's coming back, I fit my clothes better and less out of breath when on the treadmill. Perhaps the hours in the gym, on the road running, playing badminton, embarassing myself in various aerobics classes at the gym are paying off, finally.

No more beer. I'm done with that.

Figuratively and literally. I've finally arrived at the finish line.

Must maintain it though, and keep losing them LBs.

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