Yesterday as I plowed through the morning traffic en route to my exam, I saw an old beaten up green volkswagen beetle. It was a gem amidst the regular traffic. It looked like it was older than me. It had rusty corners, and the paint job was peeling, the trunk paint was a darker color compared to the rest of the body. But it was still the prettiest thing on the road.
When asked what my dream car is, I always say, a cute little two door red beetle. I remember the only time I was able to ride one. My brother borrowed his friend's beetle for a drive, I was at the back and in the front passenger seat was "Ninang Angin", his now wife then girlfriend. I think I was 5 or 6 then, but I remember it so clearly. It was bright yellow, it didn't have an airconditioner, and it was a noisy car. It was the coolest thing ever, and it actually was my inspiration to drive in my adulthood. Someday, this'll be my ride.
I can see it now, with the top down, cruising along the countryside, with the wind in my hair. One day, that cute little red beetle will be my ride home.
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