Today, I was told by the Boss, "So are you ready to leave anytime soon?". I replied nonchalantly, while playing Tower Defense, "Sure, Oct 8 right?". Quick reply goes, "No, soon, real soon.".
Then the panic crept in. Of course when you're leaving for another country and staying there for a while, you need to prepare clothes, rations, etc. And as the true procrastinator that I am, I delayed it for as long as I could -- until I was told that soon could arrive much sooner than anyone expected. I am a backpacker, I don't travelling into some foreign land with a bag with wheels. Luggage-style bags are for jetsetters and businessmen, I'm neither. I'm an explorer and I'd like to believe that I can do with very little. Or maybe I'm just way too lazy to pack a bag with wheels.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dream Car

Yesterday as I plowed through the morning traffic en route to my exam, I saw an old beaten up green volkswagen beetle. It was a gem amidst the regular traffic. It looked like it was older than me. It had rusty corners, and the paint job was peeling, the trunk paint was a darker color compared to the rest of the body. But it was still the prettiest thing on the road.
When asked what my dream car is, I always say, a cute little two door red beetle. I remember the only time I was able to ride one. My brother borrowed his friend's beetle for a drive, I was at the back and in the front passenger seat was "Ninang Angin", his now wife then girlfriend. I think I was 5 or 6 then, but I remember it so clearly. It was bright yellow, it didn't have an airconditioner, and it was a noisy car. It was the coolest thing ever, and it actually was my inspiration to drive in my adulthood. Someday, this'll be my ride.
I can see it now, with the top down, cruising along the countryside, with the wind in my hair. One day, that cute little red beetle will be my ride home.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Lockdown starts TODAY.
I am focused like a lightbeam on Friday's Finals. Yes, this is the finish line and I have to do well on the final leg. I am left without time to procrastinate, the delay fish is on the grill and soon be served up with a side of laziness and a plateful of excuses.
It's time to kick ass!
I am focused like a lightbeam on Friday's Finals. Yes, this is the finish line and I have to do well on the final leg. I am left without time to procrastinate, the delay fish is on the grill and soon be served up with a side of laziness and a plateful of excuses.
It's time to kick ass!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Soft, sweet shots. (Not the alcoholic kind)
I need help.
Can somebody please tell me how to return an offensive shot without giving it to the opponent? I can't seem to command my forehands and backhands to not return said offensive shot to the opponents direction, so much so that he/she will return the shot back twenty-five times stronger either as a full on smash (I actually got clobbered tonight, thrice) or a soft shot in the opposite direction. I obssessed about it tonight, but I can't overcome it. Then there's the service, I need to learn better service shots. I'll float around youtube, figure out a way around my weakness.
I believe that Badminton is my way of playing lazy tennis. I used to be a varsity tennis player, though for the record I was only in the reserve B team, our A team was the strongest in the league so I played few tourneys in my career, but I trained as much as the A team and had as much fun (without the pressure of competition) in the process. I've not unlearned my basic forehand and as such it translates heavily on my badminton moves. But recently, I've learned to unlearn my tennis and play real badminton, intelligent, strategic, powerful badminton. I run better now and have better foresight of offense and defense. I'll probably still be a work in progress for quite some time, but I realized tonight that I can work on my weaknesses, as a true badminton player.
On the positive side though, I landed the SWEETEST soft shots tonight. I was surprised that I could land one, let alone two,(yes I counted), I landed 5! Just a tad bit more, and I can kill them with my demure absolutely-no-recovery soft shots. Sure I'm no Ginger nor will I ever be of Jojo-calibre, but I've come a long way, and kill me for riding out my confidence tonight.
Sweet soft shots, wapak.
Can somebody please tell me how to return an offensive shot without giving it to the opponent? I can't seem to command my forehands and backhands to not return said offensive shot to the opponents direction, so much so that he/she will return the shot back twenty-five times stronger either as a full on smash (I actually got clobbered tonight, thrice) or a soft shot in the opposite direction. I obssessed about it tonight, but I can't overcome it. Then there's the service, I need to learn better service shots. I'll float around youtube, figure out a way around my weakness.
I believe that Badminton is my way of playing lazy tennis. I used to be a varsity tennis player, though for the record I was only in the reserve B team, our A team was the strongest in the league so I played few tourneys in my career, but I trained as much as the A team and had as much fun (without the pressure of competition) in the process. I've not unlearned my basic forehand and as such it translates heavily on my badminton moves. But recently, I've learned to unlearn my tennis and play real badminton, intelligent, strategic, powerful badminton. I run better now and have better foresight of offense and defense. I'll probably still be a work in progress for quite some time, but I realized tonight that I can work on my weaknesses, as a true badminton player.
On the positive side though, I landed the SWEETEST soft shots tonight. I was surprised that I could land one, let alone two,(yes I counted), I landed 5! Just a tad bit more, and I can kill them with my demure absolutely-no-recovery soft shots. Sure I'm no Ginger nor will I ever be of Jojo-calibre, but I've come a long way, and kill me for riding out my confidence tonight.
Sweet soft shots, wapak.
Monday, September 13, 2010
One Less Thirty
I'm still nursing a residual hangover from one of the rockstariest weekends ever. I am barely connected to the consciousness of the world at the moment, and as such, I had just asked our staff to procure some pineapple juice. I don't exactly know how this works, but one never questions the potent ability of a good hangover remedy.
Methinks ... I've so much to write about, but currently without enough coherence to do so. It's like my brain cells are enjoying a weekend at a remote island and frolicking in the sand. I am not even cognizant of the time.
I need a nap.
Methinks ... I've so much to write about, but currently without enough coherence to do so. It's like my brain cells are enjoying a weekend at a remote island and frolicking in the sand. I am not even cognizant of the time.
I need a nap.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Mrs. De Lima, Thank You.
I've been watching the ANC live coverage of the DOJ inquisition/ fact-finding of the Quirino grandstand hostage taking since it started. And I have to give it up for Mrs. De Lima for taking the lead to answer the questions malingering in the minds of many Filipinos. Having this aired on TV clarifies many things about what truly happened.
Sadly, the PNP is flawed. They better get ready for the onslaught from the international community, most especially the Hongkong government. I hope that the Aquino government rehabilitates the police force ASAP. What an embarassament to the international community if we continue having ill-trained, ill-equipped local policemen. No wonder the Abu Sayyaf in Mindano hasn't been quelled, no wonder private armies are prevalent among the rich and the powerful, no wonder it still scares me to ride the public commute past sunset.
Must study, I hope the Boss doesn't pass on work today.
Sadly, the PNP is flawed. They better get ready for the onslaught from the international community, most especially the Hongkong government. I hope that the Aquino government rehabilitates the police force ASAP. What an embarassament to the international community if we continue having ill-trained, ill-equipped local policemen. No wonder the Abu Sayyaf in Mindano hasn't been quelled, no wonder private armies are prevalent among the rich and the powerful, no wonder it still scares me to ride the public commute past sunset.
Must study, I hope the Boss doesn't pass on work today.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
But It Doesn't Really Matter
I wrote this phrase on my bathroom mirror.
This is to remind me of the true nature of my journey. It doesn't matter how many times I have the bumper of my car fixed, I know I'll keep hurting this car with my driving skills. It doesn't matter how many times I have to nurse sprained ankles and strained muscles, I'll keep on running, I'll keep on playing badminton and yes, I'll keep training in the aerobics class even if I can't even sway with the music. It doesn't matter how many times I fall flat on my face, I'll keep on rising each time and brushing off the hurting. It doesn't matter how many times I have to find my eyeglasses, I know I find them every time I lose them.
I took time off my life to figure things out. Well I came up with a list with what I have figured out so far.
1. Apparently, I enjoy wearing make-up, thanks to my pretty niece Cathy, I've finally acquired the necessary skills to wear proper make-up. I may not be a Ms. Universe candidate, not really my major major cup of tea if you ask me, but I feel better and look more organized with a bit of color on my face.
2. I need to train consistently to keep my energy levels up. Thanks to endorphins, I have a stable source of second wind fuel. I am the laziest person I know, but if my chest is abuzzing with a dose of endorphins, I have to burn this excess energy by working out. I can go through my days feeling like I can do everything (of course with periods of procrastiation in between).
3. But then again, I figured out that I don't have to do everything. Yes, I finally toned the restlessness and the messianic complex to a minimum. Daily activities, simple in its range of activities are surprisingly pleasant. So as I enjoy this sabbatical from the busy, I'm actually looking around and smelling the roses. I'm enjoying this break until I've found that sweet comfortable pace that I can tune my life into.
4. It takes a lot of discipline to be a distance learning student. It's so hard to read school books, but once I have my mojo on, it's game time. And paying for school takes it up a notch. Yes, I paid for grad school, so that changes the dynamic of the game. I am doing this completely on my own. It's quite scary, I must admit.
So yeah, I'm focused like a light beam on the things that really matter. After all, why waste good energy on those that don't?
This is to remind me of the true nature of my journey. It doesn't matter how many times I have the bumper of my car fixed, I know I'll keep hurting this car with my driving skills. It doesn't matter how many times I have to nurse sprained ankles and strained muscles, I'll keep on running, I'll keep on playing badminton and yes, I'll keep training in the aerobics class even if I can't even sway with the music. It doesn't matter how many times I fall flat on my face, I'll keep on rising each time and brushing off the hurting. It doesn't matter how many times I have to find my eyeglasses, I know I find them every time I lose them.
I took time off my life to figure things out. Well I came up with a list with what I have figured out so far.
1. Apparently, I enjoy wearing make-up, thanks to my pretty niece Cathy, I've finally acquired the necessary skills to wear proper make-up. I may not be a Ms. Universe candidate, not really my major major cup of tea if you ask me, but I feel better and look more organized with a bit of color on my face.
2. I need to train consistently to keep my energy levels up. Thanks to endorphins, I have a stable source of second wind fuel. I am the laziest person I know, but if my chest is abuzzing with a dose of endorphins, I have to burn this excess energy by working out. I can go through my days feeling like I can do everything (of course with periods of procrastiation in between).
3. But then again, I figured out that I don't have to do everything. Yes, I finally toned the restlessness and the messianic complex to a minimum. Daily activities, simple in its range of activities are surprisingly pleasant. So as I enjoy this sabbatical from the busy, I'm actually looking around and smelling the roses. I'm enjoying this break until I've found that sweet comfortable pace that I can tune my life into.
4. It takes a lot of discipline to be a distance learning student. It's so hard to read school books, but once I have my mojo on, it's game time. And paying for school takes it up a notch. Yes, I paid for grad school, so that changes the dynamic of the game. I am doing this completely on my own. It's quite scary, I must admit.
So yeah, I'm focused like a light beam on the things that really matter. After all, why waste good energy on those that don't?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
No way, 10lbs!
As an official member of the Burgundy Biggest Loser Club, I had my official weigh in last Friday. I was surprised that I raked in 7lbs short of what I was expecting. Invigorated by such bewildering news, I venture to share a round of Taebo with the other members of the Club. Then played 3 hours of badminton thereafter. Fantastic. I was literally crawling out of the courts in pain.
Then yesterday, I was still in major major disbelief of the progress I've made, so I went and weighed myself in my momma's scale. Her scale has a tendency to add more than what you actually weigh. So in order to have a more realistic view of things, I decided to check my weight on her scale. And instead of 7lbs, it read, 10lbs. No way, I've lost ten pounds since I started training? In spite of the fluctuations? Still?
The definition's coming back, I fit my clothes better and less out of breath when on the treadmill. Perhaps the hours in the gym, on the road running, playing badminton, embarassing myself in various aerobics classes at the gym are paying off, finally.
No more beer. I'm done with that.
Figuratively and literally. I've finally arrived at the finish line.
Must maintain it though, and keep losing them LBs.
Then yesterday, I was still in major major disbelief of the progress I've made, so I went and weighed myself in my momma's scale. Her scale has a tendency to add more than what you actually weigh. So in order to have a more realistic view of things, I decided to check my weight on her scale. And instead of 7lbs, it read, 10lbs. No way, I've lost ten pounds since I started training? In spite of the fluctuations? Still?
The definition's coming back, I fit my clothes better and less out of breath when on the treadmill. Perhaps the hours in the gym, on the road running, playing badminton, embarassing myself in various aerobics classes at the gym are paying off, finally.
No more beer. I'm done with that.
Figuratively and literally. I've finally arrived at the finish line.
Must maintain it though, and keep losing them LBs.
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