Sunday, April 4, 2010

There Are No Such Things As Coincidences

I am a self-confessed geek, will not deny it ever. So I venture to fix this blog, but always run out of steam on picking out which posts I'd like to keep on the page, which I'd like to take out, which I'd like to keep. So I just take everything out, I am that lazy to read through everything, even my own stuff.

I love the poetry I wrote a year ago, it was the two pieces that I wrote after a boy broke my heart. I chanced upon a book of poetry my room mate stole from her friend that one time she dropped by his apartment for drinks. He was pretty drunk when he agreed to lend her his book. They have karmic wars and I think my room mate gained some hefty points for getting that book out of his hands.

His poetry's pretty good. My room mate tells me he wrote it during his young high school years, so expect to read a lot of obsession with his "manhood", his plights of fancy, his growth into the responsibility of his life and the women that he's met and yet to meet. The usual angsty teen stuff, but very well written and expressed creatively, like it wasn't written by a kid.

Two poems inspired me to write my own poetry, that's how I learn writing, I pick-up other writers' techniques, vocabulary and grammar. Sometimes I hear what they are trying to express and respond with my own material --> sort-of continue their thinking process with my own stuff.

Then today, I reread the material I based my poetry from, and I could feel the goosebumps. He, my room mate's friend, based his material on a song that was released during that time he was writing his book. I don't need to confirm with him because two lines looked similar to the lyrics of that song. I swear I've seen those lines somewhere else, I kept thinking it through lunch break today, like how I can't let go of a song without knowing its title, always and forever a geek, then boom -- someone else quoted it.

So it was meant, that my room mate's friend write a poem 15-ish years ago about a song he heard. So it was meant that a year ago, that I read that poem, find inspiration to write my own poetry (of which I have not done for some time prior to that day). So it was meant that I chanced upon the song my room mate's friend based his poetry on, quoted somewhere else. So it was meant that today, the day I seek assurance, be the very day when I finally recognize all of this.

We are where we need to be, I stopped resisting that today. It's some sort of reassurance from the gods that be, from the Higher Power, that no matter how frustrating it may be to be situated where I am now, this is where I need to be. That things are going to be better, because we are meant to be where we are now, there are no coincidences, no regrets, no wrong turns.

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