Wednesday, January 7, 2009


As inspired by "The Burdens of Being Lonely"
Imagine the voice that responds to his voice.

I see you there.
Looking stern, sullen.
Reaching for something
In your right hand pocket
A lighter, a cigarette.

I hide inside.
You never leave.
I can not show you
The scars on my face
I hide in shame.

What of promises of kisses
That burn, that satisfy, that linger.
I close my eyes
And let these demons
Lead me in a dance of Tango.

I see you're done
With your cigarette
Stop, please stop..
Looking into my eyes
Asking me to deny you not
For I will break these walls down
To be with you now.


As inspired by "Fisherman Drowning"

In the stillness of this stark night,
You find me, drowning.
In waves of barren promises,
Broken dreams, swollen hearts.

The moon
Reflects on your eyes bulging brightly.
I find your hand, outstretched
But my grip is loose on your slippery palm.

Tonight, under your somber gaze
I am dying your death.
Losing you in these shallow waters
The moonlight fades.